Investor Action on Antimicrobial Resistance progress report
Launched at the World Economic Forum in 2020, the Investor Action on AMR initiative is a coalition between the Access to Medicine Foundation, the FAIRR initiative, the Principles for Responsible Investment and the UK Government Department of Health and Social Care. This initiative seeks to galvanise investor efforts to address global antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
The Investor Action on AMR progress report, published on 21 November 2022, uses a series of case studies from the initiative’s Investor Partners to provide insights into what has been achieved so far, and how. The report demonstrates how asset owners, asset managers and development finance institutions can tangibly support global efforts to curb rising AMR, and why it is essential that more investors work to formally assess and integrate AMR risks and identify collaborative opportunities through a holistic and multi-sectoral “One Health” approach.
What's in the report?
The materiality of AMR from a cross-sectoral “One Health” perspective, the range of risks and opportunities this presents, and tools – such as the Access to Medicine Foundation's AMR Benchmark – that investors can use to help better understand and engage on the topic.
How national, international and multilateral action is growing in prominence as the systemic risk of AMR is increasingly recognised, and what this means for the investment community.
The efforts of the initiative’s 16 Investor Partners to date, obstacles blocking progress and proposed solutions to these challenges. The case studies highlight concrete examples of investor action, such as guidance for adopting an AMR lens within investment decision-making, awareness raising, corporate engagement and macro-stewardship.
This final section highlights findings from conversations with Investor Partners around the key trends and priorities that will drive further progress and impact in the coming months and years ahead.